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Certain words, phrases, logos, & designs on this website may constitute trademarks of Bitacola Insurance. Any unauthorized duplication, copying, or modifying of the contents of this site may be in violation of trademark, copyright, and federal laws.

Insurance company words, phrases, logos, & designs are the property of the respective insurers.
Bitacola INSURANCE's content is intended to provide general insurance related information to further educate the consumer about insurance in Ontario. Facts and data provided are obtained from government sources believed to be accurate and reliable but we cannot guarantee that they are accurate or complete. The information on this site is not intended to provide specific insurance advice for any individual circumstance and should not be relied upon for such advice. Persons seeking insurance advice should contact us so that all the unique and individual circumstances can be taken into account.

Prices quoted in our Auto & Homeowners quote sections are not guaranteed as they are based on summary information provided by the applicant which has not been confirmed. The quotes provided by this system are based on the information you, the user, provide and the underwriting criteria of our participating companies. All quotes are subject to verification by our insurers. Please ensure that all information provided is accurate in order to avoid delay or denial of coverage.

The benefits and services provided through this system are subject to the terms, conditions and limitations of the applicable agreement(s) governing them.